Sunday, April 1, 2012

Make Your Own Hand-soap/Body-wash

In January I decided that I was going to start making a lot of my own things. So far I have made laundry detergent, hand-soap, body-wash, fabric softener, bar soap, and bathroom/kitchen cleaner.It is now the first of April and I am still using the stuff that I made in January. 
This hand-soap recipe makes a gallon and you can use any type of soap you like. I used Dial antibacterial, but use whatever tickles your fancy. This cost me less than $1.50 to make a gallon of hand-soap.
  • 8oz of soap (you can actually use 6-8oz)
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin (this is in the bandaid isle at walmart)
  1.  Grate the soap with a cheese grater or put it into a food processor
  2.  Add the soap and glycerin to a gallon of water 
  3.  Heat the water on medium heat until the soap is melted
  4.  Allow the soap mixture to sit 12 hours
  5.  Use a mixer and mix the soap, then put into a old milk jug.

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