Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Why I thought going to back to school was a good idea, I will never know! Between school, housework, kids, home school, hockey practice,figure skating lessons, pets, yard work, cooking, co-op, and sleeping I have no time for me. If all goes as planned I will be starting my student teaching January 2013, but taking 16 or more credit hours a semester is hard. So far I have 2 A's this semester and 4 more classes to go. I just needed to vent, I know I can get through this with a LOT of prayer! So my peeps keep sending them up for me :)

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!! It will all be over before you know it. It is very hard to have two little ones and all the obligations that go along with it, plus a full time student status. Just breathe....when you can. It will all be worth it in the end.
