Tuesday, April 17, 2012

50 Encouraging Things To Say To Your Kids

So I found this wonderful blog. It is important to say encouraging things to our children, because words can change a persons life. http://littlefunlittlelearning.blogspot.com/2008/03/50-things-to-say-to-your-kids.html

100 Things Mom's Hear From Their Kids

  1. I'm hungry
  2. I'm tired
  3. He/She hit me
  4. He/She looked at me
  5. He/She breathed on me
  6. I don't want to
  7. Why?
  8. No
  9. I'm bored
  10. I don't wanna go to bed
  11. Quit
  12. Ewwww Gross
  13.  He/She touched me
  14. I wanna
  15. He/She poked me
  16. Leave me alone
  17. I'm thirsty
  18. I don't wanna go
  19. I want to go
  20. I don't want to eat that
  21. I don't wanna clean my room
  22. I don't wanna do my chores
  23. Go away
  24. I don't like school
  25. Where is my __________?
  26. I can't find my ________
  27.  I need money
  28. I want that
  29. Can I have that?
  30. I need that
  31. Will you buy me that?
  32. I have to go to________
  33. I don't wanna eat that
  34. Will you fix me something to eat?
  35. I want a snack
  36. Mom is old
  37. You are so boring
  38. really???
  39. Pick me up at______
  40. Do I have to go to bed now?
  41. Can I stay up a little later?
  42. Can _______ come over?
  43. Can I go outside?
  44. Can I play my video game?
  45. Can I use the phone?
  46. Why can't I wear that?
  47. Where did you put my _____?
  48. He/She kicked me
  49. Did you______?
  50. Help me find_____
  51. He/She threw that at me
  52. Help me______
  53. He/She won't leave me alone
  54. Get out of my room
  55. Shut my door
  56. Can I_______
  57. Why can't I?
  58. No
  59. Stop please
  60. You are embarrassing me
  61. Oh no
  62. Why are you doing this to me?
  63. Please can I be ungrounded?
  64. Why am I grounded?
  65. But you said
  66. But
  67. I don't want to be grounded
  68. I didn't do that
  69. He/She did it
  70. My life is over
  71. I'll ask dad
  72. Mom
  73. I didn't have time
  74. I don't have time
  75. I have too much homework
  76. You are silly
  77. Please
  78. Thank you
  79. Can I use these?
  80. Can I have these?
  81. Where did you put that?
  82. I don't feel good
  83. Stop
  84. Can I use the computer?
  85. I don't want to read
  86. School stinks
  87. I had a horrible day
  88. Why do these things always happen to me?
  89. We are not friends
  90. I am so mad at_______
  91. He/She make me so mad
  92. Do I have to go to school?
  93. I don't want to do to school
  94. Why do you ask me so many questions?
  95. Yes, their parents will be home
  96. Shew
  97. You are ruining my life
  98. I wanna run away
  99. You are driving me crazy
  100. I love you Mom!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012


People who know me may argue that I am not sane, but for the most part I think I am. Well, I like to think I am, and this is what I do to keep my sanity.
Being a mother, wife, student, taxi driver, housekeeper, chef, teacher, accountant, referee, hockey mom, figure skating mom,  and coupon clipper (the list goes on and on, but you get the idea), is not an easy job. I never have a minute to sit or a minute alone, you know what I mean they even follow you into the bathroom. I mean what do you have to do to pee in peace? I know you are thinking lock the door, but then they just stand there and beat on the door  until you open it.
Being a mother is not easy and being home with your children all of the time is not easy either. Someone is always hungry, sleepy, cranky, whinny, or just ticked off. I get tired or hearing he/she looked at me, touched me, breathed on me, spit on me, sat on me, hit me, kicked me, and so on. I try to get them to do something that will keep them both busy and away from each other,but that doesn't always work.
I believe that children are a wonderful gift from God, and I love my children with all of me heart, even though as I sit here typing this they are throwing stuffed animals at each other. Sometimes as a parent you have to pick your battles, as long as no one is in danger of getting hurt it can sometimes help you hold on to that little bit of sanity you have left.
I try to get my kids involved in whatever I am doing. This not only keeps them busy it also teaches them things that will help them as they grow into adults. When I am making laundry detergent, soap, or when I bake they help me as much as they can. I also try to find them art projects that keep them busy, but things that don't make a huge mess.
I have found when my oldest gets upset one thing that has always helped him stay calm is drawing. When he gets upset he goes to his room and draws. This keeps him from talking back and getting into more trouble. I would rather him go through the house until he cools off, because after he has calmed down we can have a conversation without screaming.
When the kids are in bed is when I get to have me time. An early bedtime is a MUST in this house.  They go to bed about 8 p.m. when their dad is home and sometimes a little later if he works until 7. This is the time I get to do homework, watch t.v., read a book, sit and do nothing, or just SLEEP!
How do you keep your sanity?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Make Your Own Hand-soap/Body-wash

In January I decided that I was going to start making a lot of my own things. So far I have made laundry detergent, hand-soap, body-wash, fabric softener, bar soap, and bathroom/kitchen cleaner.It is now the first of April and I am still using the stuff that I made in January. 
This hand-soap recipe makes a gallon and you can use any type of soap you like. I used Dial antibacterial, but use whatever tickles your fancy. This cost me less than $1.50 to make a gallon of hand-soap.
  • 8oz of soap (you can actually use 6-8oz)
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin (this is in the bandaid isle at walmart)
  1.  Grate the soap with a cheese grater or put it into a food processor
  2.  Add the soap and glycerin to a gallon of water 
  3.  Heat the water on medium heat until the soap is melted
  4.  Allow the soap mixture to sit 12 hours
  5.  Use a mixer and mix the soap, then put into a old milk jug.