Monday, April 16, 2012


People who know me may argue that I am not sane, but for the most part I think I am. Well, I like to think I am, and this is what I do to keep my sanity.
Being a mother, wife, student, taxi driver, housekeeper, chef, teacher, accountant, referee, hockey mom, figure skating mom,  and coupon clipper (the list goes on and on, but you get the idea), is not an easy job. I never have a minute to sit or a minute alone, you know what I mean they even follow you into the bathroom. I mean what do you have to do to pee in peace? I know you are thinking lock the door, but then they just stand there and beat on the door  until you open it.
Being a mother is not easy and being home with your children all of the time is not easy either. Someone is always hungry, sleepy, cranky, whinny, or just ticked off. I get tired or hearing he/she looked at me, touched me, breathed on me, spit on me, sat on me, hit me, kicked me, and so on. I try to get them to do something that will keep them both busy and away from each other,but that doesn't always work.
I believe that children are a wonderful gift from God, and I love my children with all of me heart, even though as I sit here typing this they are throwing stuffed animals at each other. Sometimes as a parent you have to pick your battles, as long as no one is in danger of getting hurt it can sometimes help you hold on to that little bit of sanity you have left.
I try to get my kids involved in whatever I am doing. This not only keeps them busy it also teaches them things that will help them as they grow into adults. When I am making laundry detergent, soap, or when I bake they help me as much as they can. I also try to find them art projects that keep them busy, but things that don't make a huge mess.
I have found when my oldest gets upset one thing that has always helped him stay calm is drawing. When he gets upset he goes to his room and draws. This keeps him from talking back and getting into more trouble. I would rather him go through the house until he cools off, because after he has calmed down we can have a conversation without screaming.
When the kids are in bed is when I get to have me time. An early bedtime is a MUST in this house.  They go to bed about 8 p.m. when their dad is home and sometimes a little later if he works until 7. This is the time I get to do homework, watch t.v., read a book, sit and do nothing, or just SLEEP!
How do you keep your sanity?

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